Once in the SheepShaver directory, type make links.ĥ) After thats done, type cd src/Unix, and then type. More files will be downloaded.Ĥ) Ignore the BasiliskII directory and type cd SheepShaver. It will download a bunch of files, and when it completes, type cvs -d checkout SheepShaver and press Enter. It will ask for the CVS password, type 'anoncvs', no quotes.ģ) Now type cvs -d checkout BasiliskII and press Enter. Here is where the Mac OS 7.5.5 update is located: Downloadġ) Open a new terminal window, and cd to any directory you like, this will be where the BasiliskII and SheepShaver source will be stored.Ģ) In your terminal window, type cvs -d login and press Enter. Here is where Mac OS 7.5.3 is located: Download